Events @ St. Francis Hall


15th–23rd March
NATIONAL VILLAGE HALLS WEEK. Please volunteer and help us to spruce up the village hall.

Friday 11th April
FAMILY NIGHT GAMES & DISCO 6pm–9pm. Tickets £3/child including a drink & hotdog. £2/Adult. Bring Your Own Drinks. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets from Andrea 07801 418459.

Sunday 20th April
SCARECROW COMPETITION. Afternoon Games & Refreshments in the Hall + activities at The Plough Inn.

Thursday 1st May
ELECTIONS – POLLING STATION, 7am–10pm Tuesday 10th June
LADIES DAY, 10.30–15.30. Tickets £30. Speakers: David Grant, Life as a film/TV extra and Kaylee Lennon The Magic of Millinery – Handmade Hats with a Twist.

Friday 4th July
BAND NIGHT with BORN VILLAINS. Doors open at 7pm, classic & modern Rock. Tickets £10 from Andrea 07801 418459, The Plough or John Berry. Bring Your Own Drinks.

Friday 12th Sept
FAMILY NIGHT GAMES & DISCO, 6pm–9pm. Tickets £3/child inc a drink & hotdog. £2/Adult. Bring Your Own Drinks. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets from Andrea 07801 418459.

Saturday 27th Sept
MURDER MYSTERY NIGHT – ‘The Departure Lounge’, time TBC. Featuring the Greatham Village Players. Ticket £tbc includes supper. Bring your own Drink.

Coffee Mornings

Saturday 29th March:
10am–12noon – Featuring Pushbutton Band & Easter Theme. Easter egg donations welcome.

Saturday 26th April:
10am-12noon – Featuring Harlequins Dance Group – come along and join in with the dancers (instruction given).

Saturday 31st May:

Saturday 28th June:

Saturday 26th July:
10am–1pm – Vintage Vehicle Rally. All vehicles MUST be registered as space is limited. To register your vehicle please contact Pauline by email – secretary@huttonhenryca.org.uk.

Saturday 30th August:

Saturday 27th September:
10–1pm - Macmillan Coffee Morning. All donations of cakes, savouries and raffle prizes gratefully received. Contact Andrea 07801418459.

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Carpet Bowls

Due to the popularity of our recently formed carpet bowls group, we are pleased to announce that we:
• have purchased a second mat to enable more to play at any one time
• have increased from 2 sessions a month to every Wednesday afternoon from 1pm to 4pm.
• have introduced an evening session every Wednesday from 7pm to 10pm

Help and instruction for people who are absolute beginners will be available If you are interested or want to know more, please pop along to the hall and meet up with those already enjoying this activity.

The Hutton Henry History and Heritage Group

What is the Hutton Henry History and Heritage Group?
The group has been established as a section of the Community Association. At our initial meeting we decided to meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings of each month at 7pm which gives members and visitors the chance to pop in. Please note that this group sometimes meets in The Plough, so if it is your first visit, please contact Andrea on 07801418459.

regular coffee morning We are basing our collection of information from 1876 when the Hutton Henry Colliery opened. It closed in 1897. The history of the village from Saxon times has previously been well documented in the books ‘Hutton Henry – the Story of a Village’ and ‘Our Patch” by John Etherington and ‘Wingate’ and ‘Mostly Mining’ by William Moyes.

We already have a lot of interesting material. We have started collecting maps, photos and personal stories of village life – school days, youth club, ladies’ club, boys’ brigade, leek club, the allotment association, St. Francis church and the Roman Catholic church of Sts Peter and Paul.

We would really like anyone who has photos or documents or anyone who is prepared to write down family reminiscences to share them with us. Our group is open to everyone who has an interest in the long history and development of our village. Drop in to our informal meetings and have a tea or coffee.

Our group is open to everyone who has an interest in the long history and development of our village. Drop in to our informal meetings and have a tea or coffee. Our next meeting dates are 3rd and 17th October and 7th and 21st November.

If you live in the village, you are already part of its history.
regular coffee morning One of the unique features of our village is the village pump and following on from our August coffee morning, we demonstrated the pump working, under the watchful eye of Alan Johnson whose family has maintained the pump over several generations, it was primed and produced a steady flow of palatable water.

The picture shows Alan and Patrick with the water flowing.

Talking Topics

Due to the disappointment of gentlemen in the village and surrounding villages not being able to attend these sessions and listen to our speakers it has been agreed to open the session up to all members of the community.

The name has therefore changed from Ladies club to Talking Topics. The group meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 till 8.30.

The costs is £3.00 per session, which includes refreshments If you are interested please contact Sue Hutchinson by phone or text on 07402628350 or simply come along.